Did you know that Money Plant, as a succulent, acts as an anti radiator, is both an indoor and outdoor plant that according to Vastu and Feng Shui, kept anywhere (except in the north-east direction) will fill the house with prosperity and wealth?

Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

Did you know that Money Plant, as a succulent, acts as an anti radiator, is both an indoor and outdoor plant that according to Vastu and Feng Shui, kept anywhere (except in the north-east direction) will fill the house with prosperity and wealth?

Money Plant, with the botanical name Epipremnum aureum of the araceous family, a tropical vining (creeper) plant, is succulent and can be propagated and grown easily from stem cuttings in water, in a pot or soil provided it is properly cared for. It is also known by many other names such as golden pothos, silver vine, devil's vine, devil's ivy, Solomon Islands ivy, hunter's robe, ivy arum, taro vine, feng shui money plant, etc. It is grown extensively not only in India but also in Northern Australia through Southeast Asia into China, Japan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

As the plant flourishes exceedingly well in those houses where people have ample money, it is a strong blelief according to Vastu and Feng Sui, that a Money Plant at home ushers benefits such as good luck, happiness, wealth and prosperity. It is surely an air purifying plant and is hailed as one of the best plants to energize the house by filtering air and increasing oxygen flow. It is also a practice that the plant must be stolen so that it survives in its new home. With a little care, the plant survives and thereafter, flourishes. It should never be placed in the North-East direction as it could bring bad luck. 

Money Plants are evergreen climbers or creepers that can grow up to 20 m high, requiring no extensive care. They are very easy to grow, both in soil and water filled bottles, jars and any container; as creeper or vine it needs support of a string ot woodedn post to rise to considerable heights. Money plant care is quite easy and needs no expertise. Money plant can grow in any season anytime. It can survive well in both direct and indirect sun light. However, too much direct sun light can turn the leaves yellow and even burn them. It can grow from a cutting, and can be grown in both soil and water. Growing money plant in water is easier. 

The Money plant is propogated through cuttings planted in soils. Intially, it should be kept in a shade and damp atmospehere adequately watered. Soil in the pot should not go dry and with good care new cutting can take roots within 10 to 15 days. It should be placed in a sun shine area for about an hour and half. Open air is most ideal for its growth. Within a year the plant can be trasnplanted. In the Indian context of seasons (Ritus) trasnplanation can be done during the seasons of Sharad (Autumn), Hemant (Pre-Winter/Cool Season) and Shishir (Winter/Cold Season).

Usually, once transplanted there is no need for fertilizer for its enhanced growth. However, a liquid nitrate based feed is occasionally provided. A popular homemade fertilizer for Money Plant is by adding used tea leaves, coffee grounds and powdered egg shells in soil or in the pot. As it vines, pruning of the plant is essential each year so that it stays low to the trunk with a compact look.

Money plants planted in glass bottles show a spectacle of its own To grow it in glass bottles, add 1 part iodized salt to 2 parts of water with a pinch of urea and then plant.  

Preferably, kept in the south-east direction of the living room or hall of house or office, it is said that it reduces stress at work and helps in protecting eyes when a person has to constantly glare at computer screens for work, cuts away the harmful radiations from electronic devices.  

Feng Shui experts recommend keeping one plant near the WiFi router to avoid children at home falling sick and elder people getting heartaches. One of the biggest benefits of a money plant is that it can keep the mind calm and release stress. It can reduce anxiety and sleeping disorders also, and it brings a healthy lifestyle. So, keep a money plant in the bedroom or a living room to avoid any mental illness.

There are several types of money plants (source: Wikipedia) and some of these are: Epipremnum aureum, Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Lunaria, Crassula ovata, Pilea peperomioides, and Pachira aquatica. 

Such an easy way to become rich, try your luck with a Money Plant in your living room!!!

- Narasipur Char

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