Hedathale, also spelled 'Yedathale' meaning “left head”, is a village in Nanjangud taluk of Mysore distirct of Karnataka which is a divine and unique Hindu religious centre for the Lakshmikanta temple built in 1182 AD by the Hoysala King Veera Ballala II , is an architectural marvel

Hedathale, Lakshmikanta temple

Did you know that Hedathale, also spelled 'Yedathale' meaning “left head”, is a village in Nanjangud taluk of Mysore distirct of Karnataka which is a divine and unique Hindu religious centre for the Lakshmikanta temple built in 1182 AD by the Hoysala King Veera Ballala II , is an architectural marvel?

Hedathale, also spelled 'Yedathale' meaning “left head”, is a village in Nanjangud taluk of Mysore district, Karnataka, which has an ancient Hindu temple known as the Lakshmikanta temple of Sri Vaishnavas. The temple belongs to the time of the Hoysala dynasty of Karnataka built in 1182 AD by King Veera Ballala II (r. 1173–1220 CE), the most notable monarch of the Hoysala Empire. The temple is an exquisite piece of Hoysala architecture and is constructed in the trikootachala style with a triad of shrines deified with the principal deity, the Lord Lakshmikantha (literally the Lord of Lakshmi) adorning the central sanctum, and with Venugopalaswamy and Lakshminarasimha swamy comprising the other two deities of the triad. Another notable shrine, dedicated to Andaal, the only female Alvar saint, among the 12 Alvar saints of South india, is also in one end of the attrium, along with triad of Gods, which is a recent addition (about 100 years ago); uniqueness of this goddess is that as the light from the aarathi is held at level with Aandaal’s forehead, her divine gaze appears to be directed at you, looking straight into your eyes. In Kannada language it is said that ನಾರಾಯಣ ಎಂದೊಡನೆ ಕಣ್ಣನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯುವ ಆಂಡಾಳು ದೇವಿ (as soon as you say Narayana in front of the Andal idol during Mnagalarathi her eyes lightup).

The popular legend narrated to Hedathale is that a band of rakshasas (demons) were harassing the rishis/saints performing penance here. The rishis approached Maharishi Koundinya for help who came to Hedathale and offered severe penance to Lord Vishnu requesting Him to slay the rakshasas. Vishnu pleased with the penance of all the rishis assemble at Hedathale, slayed the rakshsas. Vishnu or Narayana cut the Chilef Rakshasa's head and threw it to the left side and thus the village came to be known as "Yedathale", which means Yeda (left) thale (head) and in common usage it is now known as Hedathale.  

The Lakshmikanta temple, a trikoota (Triad cells) temple, which was built by the Hoysala dynasty in 1182 AD was in a dilapiated state in the early 19th century. But towards the turn of the last 20th century, this temple was renovated due to the untiring efforts of Sr Veerendra Hegde, Sri Rangapriya Swami and with the financial support of the TVS group; Sri Sri Rangapriya, a prominent sanyasi spearheaded the renovation work of the temple. A mantapa or Chavadi at this temple, a 16 faced Mantapa consisting of 16 seats built by Bhimanna Dandanayaka, the palyegara (ruler) was also renovated. 
The temple is built in the trikootachala style with granite stones and its outer walls are relieved by flat right angled pilasters. Typically the main temple consists of three chambers – the garbha griha or sanctum sanctorum, the sukhanasi and the navaranga hall. Seven feet high lathe turned pillars hold aloft the hall, the ceiling of which has an exquisitely carved banana bunch. Much of the ceiling has sculpted geometric patterns. 

The Lakshmikantha Swamy, moolavar idol in garba griha (sanctum sanctorum) is in a position of Shamasrayanam or Mudra Dharana ( wearing of the symbol). As per Sri Vaishnava tradition, after Sudarshana Homa, the Shanka and Chakra were heated and the Chakra was pressed on the right hand and Shanka on the left hand, causing a permanent mark on the deity. The deity is four-armed with the padma or lotus and gadha held at the back, the shankha and chakra held in the front in the samasharna mudra or mode, that is, in the right and left hands, contrary to norms (most forms of Vishnu have the shankha-chakra symbols on the left and right hands respectively). Next to the principal deity, to its right, is the Venugopala Swamy image that stands cross legged in tribhangi, the dance posture, under a tamara-torana, playing the flute in a graceful posture; unlike other Krishna temples, Venugopala here is not seen with Adishesha. Another idol of the triad of gods to the left of the principal deity, is the idol of Lakshminarasimha being the best of them. This idol is perfectly symmetrical with goddess Lakshmi having been chiselled in perfect proportion and seated at a level that is proportionate in relation to the Lord. From the vantage point of the central atrium one can simultaneously view the three deities. A beautiful image of Andal adorns a corner of the central atrium which is the piece-de- resistance of the temple. Another enclosure houses the images of Sri Ramanuja, Vedantha Desika and other Alvars. Outside the main complex, at the entrance gate are shrines of Ganapathi and the Navagrahas. The eyes of Lord Lakshmikantha,Vishnu with Lakshmi, and Andal all look real when lights are out and Mangalaarthi is performed. It is also said that in front of the main shrine there is a circular motif sitting upon which in meditation posture and looking steadfast at the eyes of Narasimha, would result in positive vibrations in the devotee.

A prominent feature of the temple complex is the Hadinaru Mukha Chavadi (16 faced hall) in front of the Garuda Sthambha (Flag mast) which is brilliantly designed. There is an an interesting tale to this hall which was built by Bhimanna Danda Nayaka, a palegar who had 16 daughters, all of them married and settled in life. It is said that every year the palegar would assemble here with all his daughters and sons-in-law for wroship and family celebrations. The 16-faced hall with 16 seats, would accommodate/seat exclusively one daughter/son-in-law pair. This arranagement of seats ensured that while the palegar could see his daughters with their husbands , his wife seated next to him could only see her daughters but not the sons-in-law from the pedestal in which the duo would sit. This was in keeping with the tradtion that mother-in-law would not directly see her sons-in-law.

apart from the Lakshmikantha Swami temple situated at the centre of the village, other temples built in Hedathale are the Maramma temple and a Shiva temple.

Regular worship is offered at this temple twice daily in the morning and evening hours as per Vaikhanasa agamashastra dictums, and the learned Chief priest would narrate to the devotees the legend and history of the temple complex with great enthusiasm. Brahamostava followed by rathostava is special annual festival in the temple.

The Lakshmikanta temple complex at Hedathale is 12 km from Nanjangudu which is 30 km from Mysore city.

Narasipur Char 

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