Breath definitely brings about the required change in us. Breath can change the doer, the person within you, the one who is depressed into someone who is enthusiastic, creative, who can withstand any drawback, resolve any conflict.

Chapter 5 - Innovation 

Day 13 

Breath definitely brings about the required change in us. Breath can change the doer, the person within you, the one who is depressed into someone who is enthusiastic, creative, who can withstand any drawback, resolve any conflict.

Another issue that we need to look at is the way many people cannot stand criticism. I think this is a serious lapse in our education. We simply do not train people to withstand criticism. 

The moment someone criticizes us, suddenly we bring in a mental barrier. We shut down all levels of communication, become defensive and stop learning. 

I am of the opinion that if we can train people to take criticism and give constructive criticism when needed, then we will find such a huge difference in their attitude, in their behaviour in their approach to any situation, and towards people as well. 

We need to inculcate an inclusive attitude, rather than encourage an attitude where we shut people out. The Art of Living has done many million human hours of workshops in the last couple of years. 

1,50,000 workshops have been conducted in 2009 and 2010 alone. In all these workshops, what we have found is that it is possible to bring about immense change in human beings such that their productivity increases. 

Their cooperation with their colleagues improves. Their commitment to a job grows and their level of happiness is much greater. This is something that we need to really address - the happiness factor, creating an atmosphere of joy in the workplace. 

Sermons can be given but sermons really don't change our lives deeply. We need to instead teach them some very important techniques that they can apply at work. 

They need tools, they need methods, so that they can make the change happen on their own. This is why we built this foundation and we taught APEX programs on personal transformation. 

And it has really made a big difference in people's lives. Life cannot be compartmentalised - professional and personal aspects of life are not entirely separate. We have to see it in a holistic manner. 

So I would suggest that in your companies you should celebrate a family day. Maybe many of you already practise something of this kind. On this day, you ask people to come to work with their whole family, and create a certain sense of belonginess, a togetherness that goes beyond work.

30 years ago when we first carried out the programme in BHEL, I asked our teacher to ask some questions to the workers there. Some of the questions were, "Suppose you became the managing director of this company, what you would like to do? 

How you would like to see this company grow?" and "Have you ever thought that this company is the source of your livelihood?" "If this company flourishes then your job is secure. 

If this company goes down you cannot survive. Have you ever thought about it that could extract the rewards of their time and efforts. This new twist in their understanding made a lot of difference to their level of involvement at work.

You may wonder why so many people come and participate in movements like Art of Living and other spiritual movements. Even if they get very little money for their work, or even if there's nothing offered, they still want to come and work. 

If you come to our Ashram, you will see that the housing department is the most stressful department to work in, because people suddenly turn up. 5,000 people land at our Ashram at one time and they all have different requirements. 

Some want an Indian toilet, some want a Western one, some want double sharing in their rooms. And the housing team has to cater to all their needs. 

But you will be amazed - their smile never vanishes. Sometimes I have to tell them, "Go and rest now". When I take a round at 11.30 in the night, they are still smiling and happy, eager to finish their work meticulously before they wind up for the day. 

And this type of enthusiasm only comes when the spirit is in its right place. And I do not mean the other type of spirit which we pass around in parties. 

This is the type of spirit which we kindle within the mind which makes working joyful. It is not that you work relentlessly and the results finally bring you some joy. 

The very process of work itself is happiness, it is joyful. And that can only happen when the individual transforms at a much deeper level of existence.

Ayurveda and Treatment

“Ayurveda” is being recognized as a holistic system of medicine, Which holds that the body is the foundation of all Wisdom and Source of all Supreme Objectives of life.Ayurveda” have effective treatment for, Asthma, Mental Tension , Spinal Disorders , High blood pressure , Mental Stress, Spondylosis , High Cholesterol , Fatigue , Obesity , Headaches , Respiratory Problems , Heart Diseases , Migraine , Gastric Complaints , Chest Pain , Arthritis , Weight Loss , Osteoarthritis , Body Purification , Gynecological Disorders , Rheumatism , Anti-ageing , Chronic Constipation , Speech Disorders , Piles , Back Pain , Nervous Disorders , Hair Loss , Gout , Premature Graying , Skin Diseases , Psoriasis , Insomnia , Memory Loss , Pain , Gastric Problems , Immunity Problems , Anemia , Acne , Anorexia , Anxiety , Acidity , Bronchitis, Diabetes , Dyspepsia , Dysentery , Dandruff , Depression , Diarrhea , Dengue , Chikungunya , Indigestion , Urinary bladder disorder , Fungal infection , Nasal Congestion , Gum and Tooth diseases , Vitiation of blood , Burning Sensation , Oedema , Emaciation , Impotency , Inflammation , Ulcer , Thirst , Chloasma of face , Tastelessness , Pleurodria , Intercostal neuralgia , Pthisis , Vitiation of semen , Sciatica , Filariasis , Tumour , Intermittent fever , Lassitude , Hoarseness of voice , Mole , Conjunctivitis , Glaucoma , Myopia , Repeated Abortion , Duodenal ulcer , Malabsorption syndrome , Eczema , Flatulence , Fever , General Debility , Irregular Menstrual Cycle , Jaundice , Hepatitis , joint Pain , Kidney stone , Leucorrhea , Leukoderma , Liver Disorder , Menopause , Premenstrual Tension , Pyorrhea , Peptic Ulcer , Palpitation , Rheumatism , Ringworm , Stress Management , Sinusitis , Sore Throat , Skin Allergy , Sciatica , Sleeplessness ,Toothache , weight , Urinary Diseases , Vertigo , infection , Restlessness , Hypertension , Malarial Fever , Cough , Cold , Pimples , Black Heads , Appetite problem , Vomit , Eye problems , Abdominal fever , Abdominal lump , Swelling , Fibroid , Cyst , Bleeding , Infertility in men and women , Pneumonia , Curing Dryness , wounds, cuts, & burns . Consult a certified Doctor for more details on Ayurvedic Treatment.

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
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