Lotus Flower in Hinduism – Significance and Symbolism
Lotus Flower is one of the most popular symbols in Hindu religion. It is believed that Lord Brahma emerged from the navel of Lord Vishnu sitting on a lotus. Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of learning, is shown sitting on a lotus. Lotus flower is a symbol of eternity, plenty and good fortune and Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, is usually depicted with a lotus flower. The symbolism of Lotus flower is mentioned in the 5th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna:
One who does all work as an offering to the Lord, abandoning attachment to the results, is as untouched by sin (or Karmic reaction) as a lotus leaf is untouched by water. (5.10). Thus Lotus is a symbol of purity and enlightenment amid ignorance (the smutty swamps in which it grows).
Lotus in spite of being in water never gets wet. It is not bothered about its surrounding but it blooms and performs its job and vanishes. The ultimate aim of living beings is to perform its karma without bothering about the external factors.
In Hinduism, Lotus represents the concept of primordial birth from the cosmic waters of creation. Lord Brahma emerging from the navel of Lord Vishnu symbolically represents that life begins in water.
Lord Vishnu represents that force which is responsible for all living and non-living. It also symbolically suggests that all living and non living are connected to the ultimate source through an invisible thread but we unfortunately don’t realize it.
Lotus flower is frequently mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit Hindu scriptures, as padma (pink lotus), kamala (red lotus), pundarika (white lotus) and utpala (blue lotus). The earliest reference can be found in the Rg Veda.
Numerous gods and goddess in Hindu pantheon are depicted as sitting on the lotus or carrying it.
The ultimate aim of each human being is to be the lotus flower – perform the Dharma without being attached to the world.
Sri Eswaran