Krishna told Arjuna to drop everything and take refuge in Him; in Him alone. That he had said whatever He had to say and thenceforth it was all up to Arjuna; that he should consider what was best for him and do it


                🌿Chapter - 31🌿
               ~ Free Of Wanting ~

                  🌱 Day - 184 🌱


Arjuna went on asking questions till the last. In the end Krishna got fed up. He said that He had said whatever He could say, Arjuna could do what he wanted to. Krishna told Arjuna to think and do whatever he wanted. And only then, did Arjuna remember. He said that he would do whatever Krishna had said. It took him all that time (18 chapters, 700 verses)! Krishna had to recite so many verses in so many ways, to convince him.

Several times he asked what he was talking about. Again and again, Arjuna said that Krishna was so confusing! He asked Him to tell him one thing for sure. What was it that Krishna wanted? He said that something is good and He also said that something else is good. He said one action is good and then He said that it is no good; to let it go and accept only knowledge. And then, again, He said not to accept knowledge but take up only sanyas. They were all completely contradictory, and that his mind was thoroughly confused.

He told Krishna to tell him definitely, what He wanted him to do and not confuse him. At this Krishna showed Arjuna his true form, telling him to see who He really was. People thought that He was just an ordinary prince. Krishna said that He was not just a person. He was so hollow and empty. He was the sky. Arjuna could see the entire universe inside Him. He was the entire universe.

Even after this experience Krishna talked about devotion. He asked Arjuna to be devoted. Asking whether Arjuna knew who He liked most, Krishna said that if he did that and that, then He would like him the most. He said if Arjuna was even-minded, calm, and he loved everybody, then He would like him you more. He even said that though He loved everybody, Arjuna would become dearer to Him when he loved everyone. That Arjuna would be staying so close to Him, yet not know Him. He may try to but will not actually know Him.

Then in the thirteenth chapter, Krishna explained what is what. He talked about the gunas i.e. the things that come and go; the changeable things. The whole Gita have been over in just ten verses, but Arjuna was not ready in just ten verses. The Gita had to go on for seven hundred odd verses! And in the end, Krishna told Arjuna to drop everything and take refuge in Him; in Him alone. That he had said whatever He had to say and thenceforth it was all up to Arjuna; that he should consider what was best for him and do it. That He was going. Then Arjuna said that he remembered.

But this was not the case with Janaka. One question, one look, one sight, one touch, one presence with Ashtavakra has opened up layer after layer. He was moving one step forward, and explaining to Ashtavakra.

It is like when two people travel by train. One tells the other to look out of the window and see a big tree. The other looks and confirms that there is just a big tree but also points out that there is a bird in that tree; that there is also a flower and a fruit, too! He makes other observations. That's what Janaka was doing. He was going further. 'Yes, I see that, Aho!' You remember or have you forgotten the, 'Aho!'. He says, 'Aho!'. It's very remarkable.

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