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Ida, pingala, sushumna and then kurma, dhananjaya, krukala (etc.,) All these nadis are in our body

See, there are ten nadis in our body : Ida, pingala, sushumna and then kurma, dhananjaya, krukala (etc.,) All these nadis are there. 

        And they are all connected to different parts of the body. Yawning is connected to a certain nadi. Like that, twitching of the eyes is connected to krukala .And then burping is also connected to a nadi.
           Now, (after death) the causal body leaves, the subtle body is still there. The nadis are functioning a little bit. Gross body, of course, there could be some warmth. And it takes some time for the body to become cold.
             The dhananjaya nadi runs through both the toes. So (in last rite rituals) they tie the toes together so that the dhananjaya nadi is balanced, so the vayu tattva escapes through the feet.
          Otherwise what would happen is, dhananjay nadi imbalance can bloat the stomach. And they say there is a possibility of people’s stomach bursting.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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